Happy New Year 2019

Hello 2019!

For me, the new year is a time to reflect, have gratitude, and also look forward to goals and dreams for the coming year. During 2018, at The High Bar we accomplished so much! Here are some highlights:

  1. Most importantly, we proudly helped over 30 students across the United States get an Esquire after their name!
  2. “The High Bar” was registered as a trademark!

  3. We had a fun educational video shoot where five informative videos were created.

    Sneak a peek at one about personalized tutoring here.

  4. We hosted two successful Mini Practical Test events. The next one will be held on February 9 and 10, 2019. For more information or to participate, contact us.

  5. We hosted a successful and informative “Bar Prep Boot Camp” learning series with the More Than Esquires Network. Looking forward to many more collaborations in the future.


At The High Bar we are grateful for such a wonderfully successful and productive 2018. Cheers to 2019 — It’s a new year with 365 blank pages to fill. May your journey through 2019 be an amazing one!

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New York, NY 10010 • alisa@hitthehighbar.com
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